Price: RM220 with free shipping
Type: Mass Gainer
Lean Body Mass 60 is designed for and by hard gainers.* If you need help putting on muscle and weight, then Lean Body Mass 60 is for you.* We're so sure you'll pack on genuine muscle mass with this muscle-builder shake, we'll guarantee your money back if you don't.* Lean Body Mass 60 is easy to use. Just eat your normal breakfast, lunch and dinner. Drink a delicious Lean Body Mass 60 shake at mid-morning, mid-afternoon, and again before bedtime to get the best results.
60g LeanPro Protein per Serving
Get Big Quick!
5g of Crealean? Creatine
Blend of 6 Proteins
Lean Body Mass 60 contains a time-released blend
salam boss nak tanye. ni harga market ke? ape beza dengan harga Labrada lean body mass 60 yang aku selalu beli RM160?